the sims 4 star wars journey to batuu русская версия ps4

The Sims 4 Star Wars: Journey to Batuu (русские субтитры) (Xbox One / Series)

The Sims 4 Star Wars: Journey to Batuu (русские субтитры) (Xbox One / Series)

Пр-во: Electronic Arts

The Sims 4 Star Wars: Путешествие на Батуу Игровой набор — Создайте свою историю во вселенной Звёздных войн, отправившись на отдаленную планету Батуу из тематического парка Galaxy's Edge в Disneyland и Disney World в «The Sims 4 Star Wars: Путешествие на Батуу». Ваш персонаж встанет на сторону Сопротивления, примкнет к мерзавцам или вступит в ряды Первого Ордена? Выбор за вами! Повышайте репутацию персонажа, чтобы открыть доступ к новым заданиям, купить световой меч или дроида и встретить Рей, Кайло Рена и других легендарных героев из Звёздных войн.

3290 Руб.

The Sims 4 Star Wars: Journey to Batuu (русские субтитры) (Xbox One / Series)

The Sims 4 Star Wars: Journey to Batuu (русские субтитры) (Xbox One / Series)

Пр-во: Electronic Arts

The Sims 4 Star Wars: Путешествие на Батуу Игровой набор — Создайте свою историю во вселенной Звёздных войн, отправившись на отдаленную планету Батуу из тематического парка Galaxy's Edge в Disneyland и Disney World в «The Sims 4 Star Wars: Путешествие на Батуу». Ваш персонаж встанет на сторону Сопротивления, примкнет к мерзавцам или вступит в ряды Первого Ордена? Выбор за вами! Повышайте репутацию персонажа, чтобы открыть доступ к новым заданиям, купить световой меч или дроида и встретить Рей, Кайло Рена и других легендарных героев из Звёздных войн.

3290 Руб.

Игра Star Wars: Squadrons (PS4, русская версия)

Игра Star Wars: Squadrons (PS4, русская версия)

Пр-во: Electronic Arts

«Звёздные войны» – это не только смешные эвоки и бесконечные сражения на световых мечах. Зачастую судьба галактики решается не в дуэлях джедаев и ситхов, а в открытом космосе, где в бескомпромиссных баталиях сходятся X-Wing, TIE Fighter и другие корабли, прекрасно знакомые поклонникам саги.стенка на стенку Star Wars: Squadrons – бескомпромиссный космический боевик, где в схватках сходятся команды пять на пять. Попробуй стать лучшим пилотом Новой Республики или разнести врагов, защищая Империю. События игры разворачиваются после шестого эпизода – ты сможешь наблюдать за историей, играя за обе фракции. В стандартном режиме игрокам предстоит выработать тактику и разнести звено истребителей противника. Но разработчики добавили и более масштабные бои флотилий, где пилотам потребуется заполучить преимущество в поэтапных баталиях и уничтожить вражеский флагман. на экскурсию Девелоперы воссоздали в Star Wars: Squadrons знакомые поклонникам локации, разбросанные по всей галактике. Явин-Прайм, Эсселес, Галитан, Завианская бездна – в игре подобраны впечатляющие арены, на которых сходятся команды. На выбор доступны по четыре типа корабля от каждой фракции, включая республиканские BTL Y-wing и перехватчик RZ-1, имперские TIE Reaper и TIE/IN. стратегия победы Чтобы получить преимущество в боях, тебе предстоит отточить навыки ведения космического боя и оборудовать корабль, чтобы чувствовать себя в кокпите максимально уверенно. Постепенно пилотам будут открываться награды, включающие в себя оружие, двигатели, щиты и другие компоненты. А владельцы шлема PS VR получат возможность полностью окунуться в сражения, отстреливая неприятелей в виртуальной реальности.

2720 Руб.

Игра Star Wars: Squadrons (PS4, русская версия)

Игра Star Wars: Squadrons (PS4, русская версия)

Пр-во: Electronic Arts

Пристёгивайте ремень и осваивайте искусство ведения войны на космических самолётах вместе со своей авиаэскадрильей в культовой игре Star Wars: Squadrons на PlayStation 4! Здесь вы сможете от лица пилота полетать на многопользовательских воздушных суднах, приняв участие в сражениях, как за Империю, так и за Новую Республику, персонализировать ваш звёздный корабль и собрать собственную команду, соответствующую вашему особому стилю. Выполняйте миссии на разных локациях: уже хорошо знакомых и совершенно новых, таких как опустошенный спутник Галитан и газовый гигант Явин-Прайм. Попробуйте свои силы в управлении сверхскоростными истребителями типа Х или смертоносными бомбардировщиками СИД, самостоятельно распределите силы между системами щитов, оружия и двигателей, а также выберите самое мощное снаряжение и запоминающуюся оболочку. Станьте отважным пилотом в великолепной виртуальной вселенной проекта Star Wars: Squadrons на PS4! События данного выпуска разворачиваются сразу после окончания сюжета кинофильма «Возвращение Джедая». Теперь вы сможете взглянуть на конфликт непоколебимых лидеров в битве за галактику с обеих сторон, узнаете, что одна из сторон требует свободы, а другая – нерушимого порядка, объединитесь с эскадрильей и получите невероятные преимущества в боях флотилий, а также сразитесь в жарких воздушных схватках 5 на 5. Кабина корабля отныне станет вашем домом: здесь только вы и опасности космоса, от которых вас защитит лишь корпус из металла и стекла и ваши навыки построения стратегии и ведения боя.

2283 Руб.

Blauvelt Christian Star Wars Be More Vader. Assertive Thinking from the Dark Side

Blauvelt Christian Star Wars Be More Vader. Assertive Thinking from the Dark Side


Move from apprentice to master with assertiveness advice from the Star Wars (TM) galaxy's most powerful leaders, including Darth Vader, Palpatine, and Supreme Leader Snoke. Negotiating the workplace can be an impossible task, especially if that workplace is a towering, all-powerful force intent on taking over the galaxy. Whether your day-to-day work involves developing plans to build the Death Star, building a rebellion, or simply trying to make the printer work, the leaders of the Star Wars universe offer essential guidance on how to assertively deal with common professional pitfalls. Find out how to get a promotion, beat the competition, manage difficult employees, and move from intern to CEO with top tips from Star Wars: Be More Vader and the most powerful villains in the Star Wars movies. The perfect gift for colleagues and friends alike, Star Wars: Be More Vader is a tongue-in-cheek guide on how to advance your career, featuring favourite moments from the Star Wars series alongside hilarious advice and iconic, inspirational Star Wars quotes.

1516 Руб.

Blauvelt Christian Star Wars Made Easy. A Beginner's Guide to a Galaxy Far, Far Away

Blauvelt Christian Star Wars Made Easy. A Beginner's Guide to a Galaxy Far, Far Away


Don't know your Wookiees from your Wampas? If the Star Wars saga has you stumped, we've got your back. Star Wars Made Easy gives you everything you need to get you around the galaxy. Star Wars is a global phenomenon and the Force has truly reawakened. So where to start if you have never actually gotten around to watching the movies? Or if you find yourself dating an avid Star Wars fan? Or your kids keep asking you tricky questions about the dark side? Don't worry! We have you covered. In a world where it seems everyone but you has seen Star Wars, it's tough not knowing your Lukes from your Leias. Star Wars Made Easy is aimed at Star Wars novices who want to get up to speed and make sense of the Star Wars references that permeate modern culture. Get to grips with the world's most popular movie saga with quick Q&As and at-a-glance illustrations. This book will answer questions about the movies, the Star Wars universe, and much more.

3604 Руб.

Star Wars. The Visual Encyclopedia

Star Wars. The Visual Encyclopedia


A virtual museum in a book with more images than any other Star Wars book. Take a stunning visual tour of Star Wars with DK's comprehensive pictorial guide to the galaxy far, far away! From lightsabers and beasts to food and clothing, Star Wars: The Visual Encyclopedia is a virtual museum of a book. Explore beautiful galleries with more than 2,500 images, and discover facts about Star Wars culture, science and geography. Throwing the spotlight onto carefully curated images and beautiful photography, Star Wars: The Visual Encyclopedia showcases characters and objects from episodes I-VII, Star Wars Rebels, Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. This stunning visual tour of the Star Wars galaxy celebrates everything from extreme architecture and hardworking droids, to ferocious sea creatures and decadent royal gowns. Sections include: Geography, Nature, History, Culture and Science and Technology.

4189 Руб.

Smith Rebecca Star Wars. Classic Ultimate Sticker Book

Smith Rebecca Star Wars. Classic Ultimate Sticker Book


This fun Star Wars™ sticker book gives a simple but exciting introduction to the fantastic Star Wars saga. Featuring more than 60 reusable stickers of all the best-loved characters from the original Star Wars movies, including Princess Leia, Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader and C-3P0, DK's Star Wars Sticker Book will keep young Star Wars fans entertained and help them to develop their reading and comprehension skills. Stickers are matched to informative captions, so children can read and learn as well as have fun! The stickers can also be peeled off and used to decorate books and personal items.

1144 Руб.

Blauvelt Christian Star Wars Be More Yoda. Mindful Thinking from a Galaxy Far Far Away

Blauvelt Christian Star Wars Be More Yoda. Mindful Thinking from a Galaxy Far Far Away


Pursue a more mindful life with words of wisdom from esteemed Star Wars (TM) mentors Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Luke Skywalker. A balanced mind. Inner calm. A positive influence on the world. A Jedi must embody all of these qualities in order to master the Force. But these same self-enlightenment skills can also help you to master a chaotic life in a galaxy much closer to home. The heroes of the Star Wars galaxy have faced many trials and tribulations during their adventures. Learn from their experiences-and in many cases mistakes-to discover new mindfulness techniques to deal with stressful situations. Whether it be coping with relationship struggles, managing workplace stress, or trying the save the galaxy from your overbearing father, Star Wars: Be More Yoda not only provides tips for mindful thinking, but will bring a moment of joy to your day. The perfect gift for Star Wars fans, Star Wars: Be More Yoda is an entertaining guide to mindfulness, featuring iconic moments and famous sayings from the Star Wars movies alongside light-hearted life lessons.

1940 Руб.

Dougherty Kerrie, Hidalgo Pablo, Fry Jason Star Wars. Complete Vehicles. New Edition

Dougherty Kerrie, Hidalgo Pablo, Fry Jason Star Wars. Complete Vehicles. New Edition


Explore the epic Star Wars saga through incredible cross-sections More than 100 magnificent artworks bring the vehicles of Star Wars to life. New cross-sections, amazing detail, and comprehensive text make this the ultimate reference to the craft of a galaxy far, far away.... See - Poe Dameron's X-wing in action - The terrifying power of Darth Vader's TIE Advanced x1 - Obi-Wan Kenobi's fast and agile Jedi starfighter Discover - The inner workings of Rey's speeder - The advanced technology of the Rebel Alliance's U-wing - The devastating weaponry of the Death Star Explore - The famous corridors of the Millennium Falcon - The brutal design of the Knights of Ren's Night Buzzard - The mighty and fearsome Final Order Star Destroyer Perfect for Star Wars fans of all ages, the Star Wars Complete Vehicles revised and updated edition for 2020 brings vehicles spanning the complete Star Wars saga to life. Including technical read-outs, information for weapons, crew, manufacturer and more this Star Wars book is the ideal gift for both adults and children.

10031 Руб.

Daniels Anthony I Am C-3PO - The Inside Story

Daniels Anthony I Am C-3PO - The Inside Story


"Gloriously witty, keen and spirited" J.J. Abrams, Director of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker "The odds of me ever writing a book were approximately... Oh, never mind. My golden companion worries about such things - I don't. I have indeed now written a book - telling my story, in my voice, not his - recognising that our voices and our stories are inextricably intertwined." When Star Wars burst on to the big screen in 1977, an unfailingly polite golden droid called C-3PO captured imaginations around the globe. But C-3PO wasn't an amazing display of animatronics with a unique and unforgettable voiceover. Inside the metal costume was an actor named Anthony Daniels. In this deeply personal memoir, Anthony Daniels recounts his experiences of the epic cinematic adventure that has influenced pop culture for more than 40 years. For the very first time, he candidly describes his most intimate memories as the only actor to appear in every Star Wars film - from his first meeting with George Lucas to the final, emotional days on the set of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. With a foreword by J.J. Abrams and never-before-seen photography, this book is a nostalgic look back at the Skywalker saga as it comes to a close. I Am C-3PO: The Inside Story reveals Anthony Daniels' vulnerability, how he established his role and what he accomplished, and takes readers on a journey that just happens to start in a galaxy far, far away.

2578 Руб.

Fry Jason Star Wars. The Force Awakens. Incredible Cross-Sections

Fry Jason Star Wars. The Force Awakens. Incredible Cross-Sections


See the vehicles of Star Wars: The Force Awakens in unparalleled detail with this newest addition to the Star Wars Incredible Cross-Sections series. Twelve breathtaking artworks bring the new craft to life, showing all of the weapons, engines, and technology, while engaging text explains each vehicle's backstory and key features.

4158 Руб.

Aaron Jason, Gillen Kieron Star Wars Vol. 3: Rebel Jail

Aaron Jason, Gillen Kieron Star Wars Vol. 3: Rebel Jail


What comes next for the Rebels after the events of Vader Down? Find out as the adventures of Luke Skywalker and friends continue! The Rebel crew are en route to a prison base with a very important captive. But, unlucky for them, they aren't the only ones with their eyes on this prize! And, in another tale from the journals of Obi-Wan Kenobi, journey back to the Jedi's days of exile on Tattooine. Moisture farmer Owen Lars may have taken in young Luke, but he refused to let Ben be part of the boy's life. Now, prepare to discover the reason why! Collecting: Star Wars Annual 16-19, 15

2758 Руб.

The Best Star Wars Recipes

The Best Star Wars Recipes


Are you looking for droids, Wookies, humanoids, and other galactic beings to help create an amazing Star Wars party? Then youve come to the right place! Now Star Wars fans of any age can cook food that is truly out of this world. This intergalactic cookbook features healthy snacks, delicious dishes, sweet treats, and easy-to-use recipes that will entice even the pickiest eaters. Heres my rundown of some of most popular Star Wars recipes across the internet and the galaxy! All recipes with pictures. May the Force (and the food) be with you. 0

1399 Руб.

The Best Star Wars Recipes

The Best Star Wars Recipes


Are you looking for droids, Wookies, humanoids, and other galactic beings to help create an amazing Star Wars party? Then youve come to the right place! Now Star Wars fans of any age can cook food that is truly out of this world. This intergalactic cookbook features healthy snacks, delicious dishes, sweet treats, and easy-to-use recipes that will entice even the pickiest eaters. Heres my rundown of some of most popular Star Wars recipes across the internet and the galaxy! All recipes with pictures. May the Force (and the food) be with you. 0

1399 Руб.

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